Hitler Youth Training: Military Drill

Figure 1.--Here we see Hitler Youth boys marching by a group of reviewing Whermacht officers. The number of officers watching testifying to the importance that the Whermachtattached to the HJ. Historians marvel at how tenaciousky the Wehrmact fought even after any hope of victory had long past. One of the reasons was the years of ideological preparation in the HJ. This photographwas prob ably taken just before the War.

The Hitler Youth was from the beginning a para-military organization, having been formed from the S.A. Thus military drill, lining up, marching and such activities were pursued to a graeter extent that many other groups. Countless imges if the HJ show the biys marching and lining up for inspection and in various forms of drill. Here we are nalking about drrill and not training in military skills which also occurred. Just change the uniforms and add a few years and the images are identical to what might be observed on miitary camps. And in some cases the boys can bee seen on military bases and with soldiers. This was quite common in the years before the War. Many boys were attracted to the HJ by the various activities it offered. The constant drill was not one of the popular activities and turned many boys off the program. Schirach noticed this and to an extent toned it down. But it relained a major aspect of the program. Drill was common in 19th century schools for the same reaon that it was so important in the HJ--it was seen to instill discipline.


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Created: 9:53 AM 1/15/2013
Last updated: 9:53 AM 1/15/2013