Hitler Youth: Pageantry -- Honor Guards

Figure 1.--We note Hitler Youth boys serving as honor guards. We are not sure how common this was. We are not sure who the person beding honored id. It looks like it may be Chancellor Bismsrck. He was one of the historical figues most honored by the NAZIs. This may be his grave being visited by school children. The photograph is not dated, but it looks like the early-1940s.

We note Hitler Youth boys serving as honor guards. We are not sure how common this was. We do not have many such images. In part this was because the NAZIs preferred military or SA/SS honor guards for ceremonies honoring notable officials or military casualties. A HJ honor guard was not probably viewed as sufficiently martial. The HJ boys were more likely to be used a ceremonies honoring historical officials. This is, however, just a preliminary assessment. Our archives of HJ honor guards is very limited. The boys were of course always smarly dressed in their uniforms for these events. So far we have only found boys serving as honot guards.


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Created: 4:10 AM 11/14/2009
Last updated: 4:10 AM 11/14/2009