Hitler Youth: Pageantry -- Nuremberg Party Rallies

Figure 1.--Here we see a NAZI official addressing a HJ group. I think it may be Baldur von Shirach the HJ leader, but I am not sure. This image is from "Der Marsch zum Führer" so it may have been taken in Nuremberg

The high point of the year for NAZI stalwarts and older Hitler Youth, however, was the annual part rally at Nuremburg. Hitler chose Nuremberg as the location for the annual rallies. It was a beaytiful medieval city with a storied history. Every summer thousands of Hitler Youth members marched from their home towns to along countless German roads converging en mass at Nuremberg to participate in the annual Nazi Party Congress. Tghe early rallies were modest affairs, but after the NAZIs came to power in 1933, they were expandded into NAZI extravaganzas. The Hitler Youth were an important part of the event. Hitler Youth boys from all over Germany set out on mass marches to Nuremberg, converging into larger numbers as they reached the city. The Nuremberg Rally was a multiple day affair and one day was devoted specifically to the Hitler Youth. he climax of this day was a speech by Hitler to the massed Hitler Youth boys and girls.

Nuremberg Party Rallies

Geman Führer Adolf Hitler commonly used the annual Nuremberg NAZI Party Rallies (Reichsparteitag) to make important announcements. The Party Rallies are sometimes called conventions or congresses, but this seems a misnomer as the assembled party members did not debate policy, but were there to hear what the leadership told them about Party policy which in 1933 becanme government policy. The The Nuremberg Rallies was the annual rally of the NAZI Party. The first rally was held in 1923, the year Hitler staged the Beer Hall Putch in Munich. They were not at first held annually. It was not until 3 years later thst the second Rally was held (1926). The first Rallies were relatively modest affairs, but became much more important as the NAZIs became a major political party (1930) and especially after the seizure of power (1933). With the resources of the Führer state, Reichsparteitag became an annual national celebration. The Reichsparteitag were staged annually at the NAZI party rally grounds in Nuremberg (1933-38). The Hitler Youth and other NAZI units olayed a major role in the pgentry. The best known Reichsparteitag is probably the 6th Reichsparteitag (1935). Leni Riefenstahl used the event to film 'Triumph des Willens' widely regarded as the most powerful propagnda film ever made. It was also the platform for issuing the Nuremberg Race Laws. Rhe Rallies were held through 1938 when Hitler used the Rally as the final statement of his commitment to seize the Sudentenland, leadsing to the Munich Crisis. The 1938 Rally would prove to be the last one. The 1939 Rally was cancelled when Hilter launched World War II by invading Poland (September 1939).

Hitler Youth Marches

Every summer thousands of Hitler Youth members marched from their home towns to along countless German roads converging en mass at Nuremberg to participate in the annual NAZIi Party Congress. Large numbers of German youth marching through German cities added excitement and locl color building up to the actual Party Rally in Nuremberg. I'm not sure all the HJ participants marched the whole way, especially the BDM girls.

Hitler Youth Role

The Hitler Youth were an important part of the event. Hitler Youth boys from all over Germany set out on mass marches to Nuremberg, converging into larger numbers as they reached the city. The Nuremberg Rally was a multiple day affair and one day was devoted specifically to the Hitler Youth. The climax of this day was speeches by NAZI stalwarts like Hitler Youth Leader Baldur von Shirach, Deputy and Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess. Finally Hitler himself spoke to the adoring Hitler Youth boys and girls. In addition the youth provide a backdrop and an enthusiasm for the NAZI septacle that was of emense propaganda value.

Propaganda Films

" Triumph des Willens " (" Triump of the Will "), was the most famous film made in the NAZI era. It is one of thge most poweful and influential films ever made. It was a brilliant piece of propaganda film making. This documentary depicts the Sixth Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg in 1935. It helped fuel the power of the NAZI state and to make a needed statement of discipline and order that was needed by the NAZIs in 1934. This powerful film had a tremendous impact on Germans, especially young Germans. Its sweeping style was later used by American director Frank Capra for his war documentaries. The director was. It may well be the classic propaganda film of all time. The power of the film probably was a factor in the Allied decision to hold the war crimes trials in Nuremburg--the ideological seat of NAZI power. Another NAZI documentary was made depicting the Hitler Youth role in the 1940 NAZI Part Rally--"Der Marsch zum Führer". The 1939 Party Rally had been cancelled. The 1940 Party Rally celebrated the NAZI military victiries, especially the defeat of France. Most in Germany bdlieved the War was essentially over and this time Germany had won.


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Created: February 15, 2002
Last updated: 12:41 AM 6/15/2005