Soviet Young Pioneers: Levels--Children of October

Figure 1.--These boys look like Octoberists, but they are getting close to the age that they become Pioneers. Rheimage is undated, but we would guess the 1970s.

The first youth group that children could join was the Children of October. The group was of course named after the 1917 Communist Revolution that created the Soviet Union. Here there is some confusion because the Russians were still using the old calendar. Thus depending on the calendar the Revolution took place in October/November. This youngerv children are also often called the "The Ocroberists". The Children of October were children from 8 to 10 years old. Another source reports children 6-10 years. (This may of chabged over time. We are not sure.) Both boys and girls joined the group. It was a mass organization with membership virtually mandatory. The children received an Octoberist badge. It was made out of aluminum and enamel with a pin-back. It was worn by Octoberists on the left side of the chest. It had the image of Lenin as a child. We note Octoberist induction ceremoies.


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Created: 2:51 AM 6/16/2008
Last updated: 4:39 PM 6/18/2008