Soviet Young Pioneers: Undated 1930s Image

Soviet Young Pioneers
Figure 1.--Here we see a Soviet Pioneer group in the 1930s, although it is undated. Notice one boy wears a kind od scullcap. I'm not sure what that represented.

A reader writes, "This photo was taken in the Soviet Union during 1930s. Unfortunately we don't know the exact location. Some children wear Young Pioneers uniform (better the Young Pioneers neckerchief), but I don't think that is a camp. Perhaps this is a school photo. The young woman in the middle could be the teacher, but I don't understand who could be the older boy." HBU is more likely to see this a camp photograph, I don't think boys would hsve worn singlets to school.


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Created: 7:54 AM 4/28/2007
Last updated: 8:22 AM 6/11/2007