Diafilms "Your Pioneer Uniform": Frame 24--Rocket Launches (1967)

Figure 1.-- The diafilm text read,"This space ship doesn't have a big weight. But what's in that? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start!!! Fly higher, pioneer's dream, from hands of a young astronaut." This looks to be a camp activity, at least the children look to be wearing camp uniforms. Apparently an activity at this unidentified camp was building model rockets. We are not sure how common this was. This seems to have been quite an elaborate facility.

The diafilm text read,"This space ship doesn't have a big weight. But what's in that? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 - start!!! Fly higher, pioneer's dream, from hands of a young astronaut." This looks to be a camp activity, at least the children look to be wearing camp uniforms. Apparently an activity at this unidentified camp was building model rockets. We are not sure how common this was. This seems to have been quite an elaborate facility.


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Created: 11:21 PM 4/19/2009
Last updated: 11:21 PM 4/19/2009