Soviet Young Pioneer Uniform Garments: Cap Styles

Figure 1.--Here we see Young Pioneers playing croquet at an unidentified summer camp. The boys are wearing sawbie-type sailor caps. This seems to an informal cap style used at some camps.

We notice Soviet Young Pioneers wearing several styles of caps. Most Young Pioneer boys that we have noted wearing caps were wearing the field caps the boy here is wearing. Many boys are not wearing caps, but this is the style that the boys with caps were were wearing. It seems to be more of a dress cap for special occassions than a commonly worn cap. We also note boys wearing berets. This appears to be the destinctive uniform of a specialized naval group called Caravalle. As best we understand, this was a realtively small group, but as it was given considerable publicity there are a number of photographs of the group and the berets they wore. We also notice boys at summer camps wearing swabie-type sailor caps. This is only a style worn at summer camps. It seems to be an informal cap worn by the boys for activities. I'm not sure if the girls also wore it. I'm not sure when the portrait was taken. A book says the 1930s. At this time the Soviet Young Pioneer was not fully developed. This would have been a show-case camp. Our information is very limited at this time. We are not sure how common it was. We think only at some camps.


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Created: 8:16 PM 3/14/2006
Last updated: 8:16 PM 3/14/2006