Soviet Young Pioneers: Parade/Celebration Uniform

Young Pioneer parade uniform
Figure 1.--These Young Pioneers are dressed in the formal or prade uniform foir some ceremony at school.

We note Pioneers commonly wearing white shits, dark pants, and the red scarfe. A Russian reader writes, "The smart form was especially regulated only. It consisted of a special white shirt with super-imposed pockets and chevrons on the sleeve. With the shirt they wore short pants, either light blue or light green (but never khaki), white belt with metal buckle, shoes, red scarf and red or red and white field-cap (Ispanka). We also notice white knee socks. We also notice some children wearing a red sash. HBU has also noted a brown belt. We are not sure how common the whote belt was. Nor are we sure how common the formal uniform was.


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Created: 3:20 AM 1/5/2009
Last updated: 3:21 AM 1/5/2009