Bulgarian Youth Groups: Red Cross Youth

Figure 1.--We note a Bulgarian Red Cross youth program active in the inter-War era, but do not yet know much about it. This post-card back snap shot shows uniformed BRC boys at what looks like a summer camp. It appears to be taken by an American visitor. The participants look mostly like teenagers and perhaps young adults. We do not know if there was a similar girls' organization.

The Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) was established iwith the liberation of the Principality of Bulgaria and the region of Eastern Rumelia from the Ottoman Empire (1878). The first BRC organization was established in that same year in Sofia. The regional governor, V.P. Alabin, recruited many prominent citizens of the city, and led their work in the first BRC. The BRC was recognized by, and became a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The BRC aided the Russians in Ruso-Japanese War (1905-06). It was active in the Balkan Wars and World War I. Contributions made by King Boris III helped finance the orgnization (1918-43). The IBRC played a major role in creating a Bulgarian national health system system. We note a youth program active in the inter-War era, but do not yet know much about it. We see uniformed BRC boys at what looks like a summer camp. The participants look mostly like teen agers and young adults. We do not know if there was a similar girls' organization.


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Created: 5:35 AM 3/4/2017
Last updated: 5:35 AM 3/4/2017