English Wolf Cub Caps: Star Pins

Figure 1.--These English Cubs in 1964 are examining a model of an English jet. Note the star pins on their caps. I'm not sure what they meant.

We have noted some Cubs with pins such as stars on their caps in addition to the Cub badge (figure 1). We note this both during the 1950s and 60s. I'm not sure if this was officially permitted or just that some Cubs did this on their own. We have seen Cubs with these pins so often that it does appear to have been officially scantioned. Normally the Cubs we have noted had two star pins. I'm not sure what they meant. In America we Cubs at about this time got star pins with yellow back ground for each year of membership. An Australian Scouter writes, "In australia we used to issue each cub or scout a silver star after one years service. The following year they were issued a similar star but it had the number 2 on it. This continued through their service as a youth member." These stars, however, were mnot worn on caps and it is curious tht all the boys have two stars.


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Created: May 6, 2004
Last updated: May 6, 2004