Romanian Boy Scouts

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified younger Romanian Boy Scout in the 1930s, just before the War. Note the standard Naden Powell hat that was commonly used by Scouts throughout Europe before World War II.

We know of no youth organizations in Romania until the Boy Scouts inspired by Lord Baden Powell was organized. The first Scouts were organized in Romania just before the outbreak of World War I. A Boy Scout patrol was organized (1912). The individuals involved in organizing Scouting were a group of professors, physicians, soldiers, and other professionaks (Gheorghe Munteanu-Murgoci, Alexandru Borza, Vladimir Ghidionescu, Constantin Costa-Foru, Nicolae Iorga, Ion G. Duca and Colonel G. Berindei). They traveled widely and were familiar in the youth groups being organized in other European countries. The Romanian Scout asociation was Cercetaşii României (1915). In the same year a translation of Baden Powell's Scouting for Boys was published. Baden-Powell sent a congratulatory message and advised the Romanian Scouts of the importance of adapting the program to local conditions. Romania entered World War on the side of the Allies (1915). Scouts were active on the home front during the War. The Romanian Scouts were a founding member of the World Scouting Movement after the War. Romanian Boy Scouts attended the first World Jamboree in London, England. Scouting flourished in Romania during the inter-War period as a basically middle class movement. Patrols were formed in towns and villages throughout Romanuia. Romanian Scouts organized camps, socials, expeditions and spectacles. They published magazines, literary writings and pedagogical studies. A particularly active Scouter was the noted philosopher Mircea Eliade. The first Romanian Jamboree was held (1930). There were approximately 45,000 members in addition to 14,000 Guides. The organizer and Chief of the Guides Movement was Princess Ileana, the daughter of King Carol and Queen Marie. The Scouts, however, had a relatively short history in Romania. The Scouts were disbanded by King Carol when he moved to create the National Renaissance Front. part of that effort was single national youth group--the Străjeria. Romania was forced into the Axis by the Germans and entered the War as an Axis ally. At the end of the War, the Soviets occupied Romania and installed a Communist Government. Scouters were not allowed to organize, sxome were evenn arrested. The Communusts created the mandatory Young Pioneers. After the fall of Communism, the Young Pioneers disappeared (1989). Cercetaşii României was reestablished (1991). It was recognized by the WOSM (1993). Youth groups, however, by the 1990s no longer had the same they did before the War. Children now had many more recreartional alternatives and options for their free time than was the case in the early-20th century.


We know of no youth organizations in Romania until the Boy Scouts inspired by Lord Baden Powell was organized. The first Scouts were organized in Romania just before the outbreak of World War I. A Boy Scout patrol was organized (1912). The individuals involved in organizing Scouting were a group of professors, physicians, soldiers, and other professionaks (Gheorghe Munteanu-Murgoci, Alexandru Borza, Vladimir Ghidionescu, Constantin Costa-Foru, Nicolae Iorga, Ion G. Duca and Colonel G. Berindei). They traveled widely and were familiar in the youth groups being organized in other European countries. The Romanian Scout asociation was Cercetaşii României (1915). In the same year a translation of Baden Powell's Scouting for Boys was published. Baden-Powell sent a congratulatory message and advised the Romanian Scouts of the importance of adapting the program to local conditions. Romania entered World War on the side of the Allies (1915). Scouts were active on the home front during the War. The Romanian Scouts were a founding member of the World Scouting Movement after the War. Romanian Boy Scouts attended the first World Jamboree in London, England. Scouting flourished in Romania during the inter-War period as a basically middle class movement. Patrols were formed in towns and villages throughout Romanuia. Romanian Scouts organized camps, socials, expeditions and spectacles. They published magazines, literary writings and pedagogical studies. A particularly active Scouter was the noted philosopher Mircea Eliade. The first Romanian Jamboree was held (1930). There were approximately 45,000 members in addition to 14,000 Guides. The organizer and Chief of the Guides Movement was Princess Ileana, the daughter of King Carol and Queen Marie. The Scouts, however, had a relatively short history in Romania. The Scouts were disbanded by King Carol under pressure from the Nationalists nd Iron Guard. He he moved to create the National Renaissance Front. part of that effort was single national youth group--the Străjeria. Romania was forced into the Axis by the Germans and entered the War as an Axis ally. At the end of the War, the Soviets occupied Romania and quickly installed a Communist Government. Scouters attempted to restore the Scout Movement in Romania. Communist authorities, however, did not allowed them to organize. They banned Scouting. Some Scouters were even arrested. The Communusts created the mandatory Young Pioneers. After the fall of Communism, the Young Pioneers disappeared (1989). Cercetaşii României was reestablished (1991). It was recognized by the WOSM (1993). Youth groups, however, by the 1990s no longer had the same they did before the War. Children now had many more recreartional alternatives and options for their free time than was the case in the early-20th century. One scource estimtes that there were about 2,000 Scouts (2006).


There appears to have been only one Boy Scout association in Romgania, the Cercetaşii României. Yje Girl Guides appears to have been a separate group with its own organization. This appears to have been the case at the time Scouting was disbaned by King Karol (1937). When after the collpse of the Communist regime, Scouting was revived it appears to hve been a coed group.


The levels of Scouting include: Lupişori: Wolf Cubs-8 to 11 years, Temerari: Pioneers/Scouts-12 to 14 years, Exploratori: Explorers/Venturers-15 to 18 years, Seniori: Seniors/Rovers-18 to 21 years, Lideri: Leaders-21 years lus.


We see an unidentified Scout wearing the Romanian Scout uniform here in the 1930s. The boy looks young, perhaps about Cub age. We do not know if the Cubs had a special uniform. Often in Europe the Cubs wore pealed caos and the Scouts a len\mon-squeezer cap. The boy here wears the Baden-Powell lemon-squeezer cap with a colored shit and knecerchief. We are not sure about the colors. The boys wore dark, possiblt black or navy blue short oanrs. The knee socks had colored bands, but we are not sure aabout the colors.


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Created: 10:37 PM 12/15/2011
Last updated: 10:37 PM 12/15/2011