Hong Kong Scout Activities: Games

Figure 1.--One of the fun aspects of Scouting is games. Hong Koing Scouts play both indoors and outdoors games. The outdoor games are the most populsr because they can be the most boisterous. Here we see Scouts and Cubs involved in a kind of wrestling game. I'm not sure what it ewas called.

One of the fun aspects of Scouting is games. Hong Koing Scouts play both indoors and outdoors games. The outdoor games are the most populsr because they can be the most boisterous. Games are one of the most popular aspects of Scouting, especially for the younger boys. Here there are a wide range of different games. As far as we can tell, Hong Kong Scouts played msany of the standard games adopted by Scouts all around the world. We do not know of any games developed by Hong Koing Scouts. There may well be games developed by Hong Kong Scouts, we simoply do not know what they were. Here we see Scouts and Cubs involved in a kind of wrestling game. I'm not sure what it ewas called.


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Created: 10:00 PM 7/22/2004
Last updated: 10:00 PM 7/22/2004