Japanese Boy Scout Chronologies: Scout Levels

Figure 1.--Here we see two Japanese Cubs with Akela. These traditional blue and gold uniforms have been worn by Japanese Cubs since Scouting was revived after world war II. This photograph is undated, but we believe was taken about 2000.

We have begun to collect information on trends in Japanese Scouting by every level of Scouting, especially Cubbing and Scouting. We have few details about the early Scouting uniforms. Scouting was supressed during World War II (1941-45). After the War Scouting was revived and new uniforms were adopted. Japanese Cubs have worn a blue uniform and the Scouts have worn a tan uniform.


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Created: 10:50 PM 11/6/2004
Last updated: 10:50 PM 11/6/2004