Scottish Boy Scout Uniforms: Chronology--The 1960s

Figure 1.-- A Scottish reader reports, "This is our troop at Gilwell Park (a national centre for British scouts) in 1967. The khaki shirt and bonnnet are still worn. This changed the following year when the shirt changed to a less "military" green, the bonnet was dropped and long trousers were permitted."

A Scottish reader reports, "This is our troop at Gilwell Park (a national centre for British scouts) in 1967. The khaki shirt and bonnnet are still worn. This changed the following year when the shirt changed to a less "military" green, the bonnet was dropped and long trousers were permitted. Here the boys without kilts wear the light-colour Summer version of the shorts (the Winter ones were khaki - the same as the shirts)." Notice that the berets these boys wear have a pom on the top--rather like a Balmoral bonnet.


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Created: September 30, 2002
Last updated: January 2, 2003