Swedish Boy Scout Associations: Franklsningsarmens Scoutforbund (FA)

Figure 1.--Here we see a Swedis Scout unit in 1938 shortly before World War II. It looks to be a Cub pack given the age if the boys. Swedish Cubs were commonly called Minor Scouts. The women leaders are wearing Savation Army uniforns which tells us that these were Franklsningsarmens Scoutforbund (FA) Cubs. The two older boys are Boy Scouts. The younger boys wear campaign caps, lanyards, and neckerchiefs are the Cub (Minor) Scouts. Many Scouting groups follow the uniforms adopte in England by Baden Powell, but not all did. These Swedish Cubs had a different uniform. The Cubs are all wearing short trousers with tan long stockings (no doubt very practical given Sweden's climate), and short trousers with long stockings were common school wear during the 1930s and 1940s in Sweden and the rest of Scandubnavia. The boys look to be 7-8 years old. seven or eight. Seated in the second row are more boys, perhaps a yearor so older. Theu wear the same uniform except most of these seem to be wearing baggy knickers rather than short trousers and long stockings. One boy in the second row, however, is wearing black long stockings with shorts so presumably he decision to wear the baggy knickers rather than short trousers was a matter for families rather than mandated by the organization. The banner at the back of the picture probably gives some clue to the nature of the group, but we can't read it. Presumably it is a Salvation Army flag.

The Swedish Salvation Army founded a Scout association -- (Franklsningsarmens Scoutforbund - FA). It was founded in 1916 as part of the Army's youth movement. It has developed into a 3,000 members organized into 55 groups. It was a branch of the Swedish Salvation Army Young People's Corps. The program included traditional Scout activities with outdoor life, international awareness and community involvement. As partbof the SA effort, the FA included a stronger Christian component than most other Scout priograms, The FA provided the children guidance towards making a personal decision to accept the Christian faith and life style. There were are four sections of activities, both boys and girls take part in all four, although in seoarate units. The uniform shirt is medium blue with a red scarf that is worn underneath the collar. The units had different names than thise adoopted by the British. Cubs were for examole called minor scouts. They included: Minor scout (7-9 years of age), Junior scout (10-11 years), Patrol scout (12-14 years), and Senior scout (15-20 years). Troop leaders had to be 18 years of age. [Nelson et. al.] National jamborees were to be held every four years. The latest we know of was held in 1993. Minor Scout camps are held regionally every third year.


Nelson, Bill, Soaring Golden Eagle , and Alan Houser . "Scouting In Sweden: The Salvation Army Guide And Scout Association".


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Created: 10:46 PM 11/9/2013
Last updated: 10:46 PM 11/9/2013