Swedish Boy Scout Movement

Figure 1.--This 1933 photograph shows the Örebro Life Saving Scout Troop. We are not sure which bassociation this was. The man in the middle of the front row may be wearing a Salvation Army unigform.

Swedish Scouting was founded by Emil Winqvist (1908). It is just one more example of how rapidly Scouting spread in Europe and North America after it was originally founded in Britain. Physical education teacher Eble Lieberath in Gothenburg was also instrumental in launching Swedish Scouting. He was interested in some form Of youth activity for his students. He had heard of Wanderviogel in Germany. He came across a copy of Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys while traveling to England. He translated it into Swedish. Swedish Scouting from the beginning was strongly supported by the Swedish royal family. Today King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the most prominent member of the Svenska Scoutrådet and his children are active Scouters. Guiding was founded soon after (1910). The first Boy Scout association was formed (1912) followed by the first Girl Guide association (1913). The Swedish Scouts were among the charter members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (1922). And the Girl Guides were among the founders of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (1928). There are five major Scout associations in Sweden. The Associations formed what is now the Svenska Scoutrådet (The Swedish Guide and Scout Council--SSR) which is the national organization represenenting Sweden in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Originally there were separate Scout and Guide oordinating council. The joint SSR was formed after the merger of Scout and Guide groups (1968). The SSR is a member of WAGGGS and WOSM. It deals with international matters as well as a rage of common issues and projects concerning the five major associations. All five associations now have mixed boys and girls membership. The five associations are based on sponsoring organizations. The groups included religious-social movements that wanted to guide youth. They include: the Fr{lsningsarmens Scoutf|rbund (Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association--FA), the KFUK-KFUMs Scoutf|rbund (Swedish YWCA-YMCAFuide and Scout Association), Nykterhetsr|relsens Scoutf|rbund (Temperance Fuide and Scout Association--NSF), Svenska Missionsf|rbundets Ungdom-scout (Guide and Scout Associatiin of the Swedish Couvenant--SMU-scout), and the Svenska Scoutf|rbundet (Swedish Guide and Scout Association--SSF).


Swedish Scouting began almost as soon as Baden Powell fonded the Scouting movement in England. Swedish scouting was founded by Emil Winqvist (1908). It is just one more example of how rapidly Scouting spread in Europe and North America after it was originally founded in Britain. Physical education teacher Eble Lieberath in Gothenburg was also instrumental in launching Swedish Scouting. He was interested in some form Of youth activity for his students. He had heard of Wanderviogel in Germany. He came across a copy of Baden-Powell's book Scouting for Boys while traveling to England. He translated it into Swedish. Guiding was founded soon after (1910). The first Boy Scout association was formed (1912) followed by the first Girl Guide association (1913). We do not have any information on Swedish Scout activities during World War I (1914-18). Sweden was neutral in the War, but not unaffected. The Swedish Scouts were among the charter members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (1922). And the Girl Guides were among the founders of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (1928). We note that the Swedish Scouts drilled their members, even the younger boys, in first aid and other preparatrions for bombing raids during World War II (1939-45). Sweden managed to remain neutral, but braced for attack by both the Germans and Russians who after signing Non Agression Pact and invading Poland were allies (1939).

Popular Movements

The Temperance Movement and Revival Movements were an important part of Swedish society at the turn of the 20th century. The same was true in the United States which eventually passed a prohibition amandment to the Constitution--the 18th Amendment. These groups in Sweden promoted improved spiritual and social conditions for theirs members. They wanted to improve society, much as the more secular Socialists wanted to do. These groups were ingterested in programs for young people and the appearance of Scouting providded an ideal vehicle for them to do so. Thus the Temperance Movement, the YWCA/YMCA, and Salvation Army began sporsing Scouting and Guide units as part of their program. This was inaditiin to other Scout associations being formed at the time.

Sponsoring Groups

Both the Salvation Army and YMCA/YWCA played an important role in Swedish Scouting. The Salvation Army and the YMCA formed Scout associations.

Royal Family

Swedish Scouting from the beginning was strongly supported by the Swedish royal family. Today King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is the most prominent member of the Svenska Scoutrådet and his children are active Scouters.


The girl and boy associations decided to merge. Five co-educational organizations were formed (1959-61). They now work today together through the Swedish Guide and Scout Council.


There are five major Scout associations in Sweden. The Associations formed what is now the Svenska Scoutrådet (The Swedish Guide and Scout Council--SSR) which is the national organization represenenting Sweden in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Originally there were separate Scout and Guide oordinating council. The joint SSR was formed after the merger of Scout and Guide groups (1968). The SSR is a member of WAGGGS and WOSM. It deals with international matters as well as a rage of common issues and projects concerning the five major associations. All five associations now have mixed boys and girls membership. The five associations are based on sponsoring organizations. The groups included religious-social movements that wanted to guide youth. They include: the Fr{lsningsarmens Scoutf|rbund (Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association--FA), the KFUK-KFUMs Scoutf|rbund (Swedish YWCA-YMCAFuide and Scout Association), Nykterhetsr|relsens Scoutf|rbund (Temperance Fuide and Scout Association--NSF), Svenska Missionsf|rbundets Ungdom-scout (Guide and Scout Associatiin of the Swedish Couvenant--SMU-scout), and the Svenska Scoutf|rbundet (Swedish Guide and Scout Association--SSF).

Svenska Scoutforbundet (Swedish Guide and Scout Association--SSF)

The Svenska Scoutforbundet (Swedish Guide and Scout Association--SSF) was founded as a girl guide organization (1912). There are 82,000 members organized in 635 groups. The SSF is a non-political organization. The association is open to any child regardless of religion, color, creed. Program sections kinclude: Beaver Scouts (7 years of age), Minor Scouts (8-9 years), Junior Scouts (10-11 years), Patrol Scouts (12-14 years, and Senior Scouts (15-18 years). Members over 18 years of age can be leaders and also form Rover Scout groups.

Guides and Scouts of the Swedish Covenant Youth (SMU)

The Guides and Scouts of the Swedish Covenant Youth were founded (1931). There are now 35,000 members organized in 545 groups. Districts coincide with the districts of the parent organization. Each district independently arranges camps, leadership training and other activities. The Guide and scout organization of the Swedish Covenant Youth are part of the youth activities of the Swedish Covenant Church.

Scoutforbund (Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guide and Scout Association--KFUK-KFUMs)

The Swedish YMCA founded a Scout Association (1911) The YWCA also fonded a Guide Association for the girls (1913). They merged to form the Swedish YWCA-YMCA Guide and Scout Association (1960). There are now 18,000 members organized into 430 groups. The merged YMCA/YWCA association is one of three special associations within the Swedish YWCA-YMCA. Some of the Scout groups originate from local YWCA-YMCA groups, but therecare many others with different parent organizations, mostly church groups. These include Baptist Scouts, Adventist Scouts, Blue-band Scouts, Methodist Scouts, Swedish Salvation Army Scouts, and Swedish Church Scouts. Most of these groups are independent and not associated with the local YWCA-YMCA group. The activityies program includes a variety of experiences which include an effort to learn about outdoor life. There is also a strong religious component focusing on questions of faith and moral issues. There is also an effort to build a sense of international responsibility and involvement in public affairs. The program sections include: Beaver Scouts (5-7 years), Minior Scouts (8-9 years), Junior Scouts (10-11 years), Patrol Scouts (12-15 years), and Rover Scouts (16- years).

Nykterhetsrrelsens Scoutforbund (Temperance Guide and Scout Association -- NSF)

The Swedish Temperance Movement fomded a Scouting effort (1927). For decades it was run by two different associations, NTO's Guide and Scout Association and IOGT's Guide and Scout Association. In 1970 they merged and became NSF. The association works very closely with the non-political and non-religious temperance movement IOGT-NTO. NSF has 7000 members in 120 groups. A fundamental principle of NSF, along with the Guide/Scout Law and promise, learning by doing, the patrol system, outdoor life and international, is personal temperance. Members over 12 years of age make a temperance pledge. This means they do not drink any beverage with more than 2.25 percentage of alcohol by volume. This percent is so low that one cannot become inebriated or dependent. Program Sections: Minor Scouts (8-9yrs) Junior Scouts (10-11 yrs) Patrol Scouts (12-15yrs) Senior Scouts (16- yrs) NSF is also also running Beaver Scouting (7 year olds) as a trial activity.

Franklsningsarmens Scoutforbund (The Salvation Army Guide and Scout Association--FA)

The Salvation Army founded a Scout association--(Franklsningsarmens Scoutforbund - FA). It was founded in 1916 and developed into 3,000 members organized into 55 groups. It was a branch of the Swedish Salvation Army Young People's Corps. The program included traditional Scout activities with outdoor life, international awareness and community involvement. As partbof the SA effort, the FA included a stronger Christian component than most other Scout priograms, The FA provided the children guidance towards making a personal decision to accept the Christian faith and life style. There were are four sections of activities, both boys and girls take part in all four, although in seoarate units. The uniform shirt is medium blue with a red scarf that is worn underneath the collar. The units had different names than thise adoopted by the British. Cubs were for examole called minor scouts. They included: Minor scout (7-9 years of age), Junior scout (10-11 years), Patrol scout (12-14 years), and Senior scout (15-20 years). Troop leaders had to be 18 years of age. [Nelson et. al.] National jamborees were to be held every four years. The latest we know of was held in 1993. Minior Scout camps are held regionally every third year.


Swedish Scout have the same basic levels as Scouts in other countries, but they use other names and age levels are a little different. There were variations in the various asociations. As the movement is now unified, there is now one level system. The modern system is afollows. The younger group is Spårarscout which translates as Tracker Scout. This would be the Cub group, age 8 - 9 years, a little tighter age group than most Cubs in other countries. We also notice the term Vargunjar being used. We notice these boys wearing uniforms lloking like British Cubs in the 1920s. The next group is Upptäckarscout or Discoverer Scout 10 - 11(12) years. Many of these boys would be in the Cub group in other countries. Next is Äventyrarscout or Adventurer Scouts. They are age 12(13) - 14(15) years. This is the basic Scout group in most countries. The older Scout group is Utmanarscout or Challenger Scouts, age (15)16 - 18 years. The young adult group is Roverscout or Rover Scouts age 18 - 25 years.

Specialized Units

There are about 150 Sea Scout troops along the coasts. Handicapped Scouting is also an important part of the scout program.

Promisw, Law and Motto

The Swedish Scout Motto is : Var Redo………. Always Ready Scout Oath: On my honour I promise that I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times and to obey the Scout Law. Scout Law: En Scout visar vordnad for Gud och hans ord En Scxout ar arlig och palitlig En Scout ar vanlig och hjalpsam En Scout visar hansyn och ar en god kamrat En Scout moter svarigheter med gott humor En Scout lar kanna och vardar naturen En Scout kanner ansvar for sig sjalv och andra


There are today about 150,000 Scouts and Guides in Sweden.


Bill Nelson , Soaring Golden Eagle , and Alan Houser . "Scouting In Sweden: The Salvation Army Guide And Scout Association".


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Created: 3:24 AM 2/14/2011
Last updated: 9:12 AM 5/16/2016