Ulster Boy Scout Uniforms

Figure 1.-- Here we see Ulster Scouts at camps in 1977. Like other British Scouts they wear berets and green shirts. The Scout uniform was changed to long pants in the 1960s. British Scouts, however, commonly wore shorts at camp. Some of these boys seem to be wearing PE gym shorts. The Scouts had no regulation short trousers for camp or warm weater wear.

Ulster is part of the United Kingdom. The uniforms of the British Scouts is the same for all of the countries making up the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Ulster, and Wales). There are some differences in that the Scottish Scouts as an option are allowed to wear kilts. I think the same is true in Ulster, but it is less common for the boys to do so. Other than this the uniforms are idebntical. I am not sure how the strife between Catholics and Protestants have affected the Sciut movement. Presumably Catholics and Protestants for the most part are in separate units. I suspect that Scouting is more common for Protestant than Catholic boys. Here we see Ulster Scouts at camps in 1977. Like other British Scouts they wear berets and green shirts. The Scout uniform was changed to long pants in the 1960s. British Scouts, however, commonly wore shorts at camp. Some of these boys seem to be wearing PE gym shorts. The Scouts had no regulation short trousers for camp or warm weater wear.


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Created: November 15, 1998
Last updated: 4:22 AM 5/17/2008