Boy Scout Uniform Garments: Jeans

Figure 1.--Most Scouts until after World war II wore complete uniforms. This began to change in the post-War era. Through the 1950s the official uniform was generally worn. This began to change in the 1960s. Many Scouts began wearing jeans instead of the oficial uniform pants. Some Scouts still do, although it is now less common than in the 1970s.

Most Scouts until after World war II wore complete uniforms. This began to change in the post-War era. Through the 1950s the official uniform was generally worn. This began to change in the 1960s. Many Scouts began wearing jeans instead of the oficial uniform pants. We notice this in both America and Europe, but not in Britain where Scouters generally did not allow jeans. American Scouts would wear the official shirt with kerchief, but with jean pants. This was called the above the belt uniform rule. Both Cubs and Scoiuts did this. It is no longer as common, especially in Amnerica, but there are countries where this practice continues. Some times wearing jeans was an option open to each boy. In other instances, the whole troop decided to wear jeans. There was a variety of reasons fof this. One was the expense of the official uniform items. In other instrances boys did not like the officual uniform pants.


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Created: May 22, 2004
Last updated: May 22, 2004