*** Colombia Cololmbian schools education educacíon Colombiano uniforms uniformes

Colombian School Uniforms

Colombian school smocks

Figure 1.-- Colombian school children wear required uniforms, but they vary somewhat from school to school, especially the color. Some pre-schools had smocks as a type of uniform. Here we see Bogata pre-schoolers on an outing. We are not sure how common smocks were.

Colombian school children wear required unifirms, but they vary somewhat from school to school, especially the color. Some pre-schools had smocks as a type of uniform. We are not sure how common that is. Uniforms are required at all Colobian schools, including private schools. This includes both the primary and secondary schools. As in other countries, the primary reason is so lower income children do not feel out of place with better dressed children from higher income families. This varies somewhat at primary and secobary schools. The prinary uniforns tend to be more simple, often just T-shirts and pants (either short or long pants) for the boys and and the same for the girls who can wear skirts or pants as they prefer. This is adequate in coastal areas, but in the sierra sweaters or light jackets may be needed. Secondary uniforms include consist two sets, one for everyday wear and a sports one for physical education. The everyday uniforms for girls generally include a knee-length skirt or dress like a gym slip/jumper, and a white blouse. Depending on the school, knee socks or white ankle socks are worn. Boys wear dark-coloured long trousers and a short or long-sleeved shirts. The shoes for both girls and boys are black lace-up shoes (sometimes the shoes may be dark blue or wine-coloured, depending on the school uniform colors). The shirts usually have the school's logo at the left side. The sports uniform includes sweat pants, a collared T-shirt, and white neakers. The designs and the colors of the uniforms vary depebding the school's colors and choices. Uually it is the principal who decides.


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Created: 7:47 PM 7/9/2019
Last updated: 7:47 PM 7/9/2019