Ballet Training: Games for Younger Children

Figure 1.--

Classes for younger children have to focus not only on basic skills, but on making the whole process fun and interesting. Thus teachers have developed games and interesting activities to include in their classes. Individual teachers report a wide range of ignenious devices to keep younger children interested and develop useful skills at the same time. HBC will archive some of the games that various teachers have described. Some are games whiles others are really clever exercises ingeniously disguised as games for the children. If approached correctly, the children will often look forward to these games.


One game is "freeze". The teacher puts on some music and lets the children dance to it. Then the music is stopped. The dancer who stops last is eliminated.

Line Game

Another game is the "line game". You stand the children in a line. Then make up a story by asking one dancer something like, "Where are you?" Then the next dancer, "What are you wearing?". When you have a short story put some music on and tell them to make up a dance about that story. These games will help them to learn to be more confidant.

The Goodbye Dance

The Goodbye Dance is done at the end of the class. Each child does a little dance in front of the rest of their class mates. The children find it really fun and on special occasions you should invite the parents into watch. The kids love it!

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 9, 2001
Last updated: November 9, 2001