*** chronology chronologies

HBC Chronologies

historic nf economicv chronologhies
Figure 1.--Fashion can be traced to the dawn of human conciousness. It is common treated as a trivial matter, but fashion and clothing aere of considerable economic importance. It was textiles that were at the heart ofvthe indistrial recolution. Fashion also provide insights into both soviological as well as historical trends, At the time this photograph was taken, Europe was engaged in a massive arms race, including a naval arms race between Britain and Germany. What we are not sure of is where these boys are from. Click on the image for a discussiin of nationality.

Our HBC website began as a fashion website. Over time we began to realize that the fashion information we were collecting had historical value as well as contributed to our understanding of economics and social trends as well as other topics, Here a jey factor is that the clothing and textile industries were a much more important aspect of human culture and economies than is the case today. And it was the textile industry that was the epicenter of the industrial revolution. And not only did clothing and fashion affect societal trends, but wider historical and cultural trends affected fashion and clothing manufacture. It is often difficult to assess which way the trends flowed. Thus we gradually realised that to best understand clothing and fashion trends, we need to understand historical, economic and other trends. This we have gradually compiled a series of chronologies to better understand the clothing and fashion chronologies over time. And a correlary development was an effort to understand the evolution of the modern concept of childhood itself..

History Chronologies

HBC is building a chronology describing the development of boys' clothing styles. Our focus is on the modern era. Yet it is not possibe to fully understand the modern era without an assessment of earlier periods. Thus we have decided to provide some basic background history on human civilization from the dawn of man. We will not pursue these early epocs in the same detail as the modern era, but we believe that it is esential to look at ancient civilizations to begin our assessment of clothing and fashion. We also think that a basic historical perspective is essential to understand the wider cultural context needed to under stand not only fashion, but economics and many other deciplines. We have been very concerned in recent years over the politization of so much of the history appearing in the media and popular culture. Here we will endevor to provide a fact-based assessment of the historical experience.

Economic Chronologies

We note five major economic eras. As we approach the modern eras the duration of the eras shink from millenia to centuries. Some observers believe that we are now entering a new economic era--the information age.

Childhood Chronologies

Children in History

There are many children in history that are remembered for important roles they played. In many cases we know the individuals. In other instances the collective grouping is better known. In many cases these children were involved as children in the events of the day. In other instances it was childhood experiences that motivated their conduct as adults. We note children and youths playing such roles from the ancient world down to our current day.

Fashion Chronologies

HBC is building a chronology describing the development of boys' clothing styles. Our focus is on the modern era. Yet it is not possibe to fully understand the modern era without an assessment of earlier periods. Thus we have decided to provide some basic background history on human civilization from the dawn of man. We will not persue these early epocs in the same detail as the modern era, but we believe that it is seential to look at ancient civilizations to begin our assessment of clothing and fashion. The medueval era is particularly important in understanding the evolution of modern garments and fashions. We have concentrated on Western fashion, but we will also look at the advancement of civilizatioin in other areas as well. We do this in part because developments in the East have had a major impact and not always fully understood impact on the West. Our knowledge of non-European fashions and clothing is limited, but we will add this information as well as it becomes available. Our focus is on clothing and fashion, but of course some basic understanding of the overall society is needed to understand clothing trends which are strongly influenced by the overall technological level of a civilization. And as a coralary the fashions of a civilization or era offer insights into that period that are not always availavle or reflected in the written record.

Time Line

The history of boys' fashions and changes over time, like other types of fashions, are intermingled with many other developments in publishing, photography, cloth and clothing manufacturing, war and social upheaval, book and magazine publishing, and other developments. HBC though it might be useful to develop a time line to sketch out the chronology of these events over a long time period.


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Created: October 10, 1998
Last updated: 3:47 AM 7/28/2014