Boys' Irish Step Dancing Costume Garments--Sashes

Figure 1.--This boy wears a blue velvet jacket with a very plain sash in the same green color as his kilt. Also notice that his kneesocks match the jacket. Notice the small pin or embroidery on the back.

Boys wear sashes with are pinned at the front shoulder, often with a fancy Irish motif pin. They then hang down over the back of their blazer or jacket. They are usually a color contrasting with the jacket--often the same color as the kilt. Sashes vary greatly. Some are adorned with embroidery of Irish motiffs. Others are very plain with little or no embroidery. Many are fringed. Many girls also wear sashes. Almost all the other dancing costumes garments are different. Only the sash is an item commonly worn by both boys and girls. Most sashes end with a point like a tie. They usually are long engough to extend below the hem of the jacket, but not the kilt. They are usually made of the same material as the kilt.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 20, 2000
Last updated: July 20, 2000