*** holiday attire: national Easter traditions -- United States earl-1950s

American Easter Traditions: Easter Group (early-1950s)

Easter outfits
Figure 1.--Here we have an unknown group of children. It can't be a family group. There are toio many yioung children. Perhaps a family and a few friends thrown in with them. There are six children. All look to be pre-school children except for the oldest girl who may be 7-8 years old. Most have their Easter baskets at the ready for a Easter Egg hunt.

Here we have an unknown group of children. It can't be a family group. There are toio many yioung children. Perhaps a family and a few friends thrown in with them. There are six children. All look to be pre-school children except for the oldest girl who may be 7-8 years old. Most have their Easter baskets at the ready for a Easter Egg hunt. It looks to be the early-1950s although the late-40s is possible. They are in one of the new suburbs which spring up all around the country. Thechikldren are dressed up in their new Easter togs--spring frocks and short pants suits. Only the oldest girl, however, has headwear which was once an important aspect of dressing up.


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Created: 11:18 PM 11/27/2023
Last updated: 11:18 PM 11/27/2023