Portugal was a Portuguese colony. Portugal introduced Christianity to Brazil and thus the Christmas traditions are strongly influenced by Portugal. Christmas in Brazil, however, comes at the beginning of their summer season. It is a time for boating, picnicking and other summer festivities. The red and green of Christmas decorations are provided eucalyptus leaves and brilliant red flowers of many sorts. The "pesebre", or manger scene is important and there is also a Christmas tree decorated with candles. On Christmas Eve the "cena", or meal, is set out before the family goes to Midnight Mass so that the Holy Family can have some if they wish while everyone is out. A popular menu would include turkey, fish and champagne. Before going to bed, the children set out their shoes for Papa Noel. On Christmas morning the children fix breakfast, then get their presents from their shoes and look for gifts that are hidden around the house. Christmas evening can be spent outdoors in the balmy weather and is a great time for fireworks. The people of Northern Brazil, as in Mexico, enjoy a version of the folk play Los Pastores ("The Shepherds.") In the Brazilian version, there are shepher desses rather than shepherds and a gypsy who attempts to kidnap the Christ Child. Hopefully, Brazilian readers will tell us more about Christmas traditions in their country.
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