*** holiday attire: Christmas in Indonesia

Seasonal Holliday Attire: Christmas in Indoinesia

Indonesian Christmas
Figure 1.--The photo was taken on Christmas 2019 in a Catholic church in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The altar servers, mostly girls, wear cassocks and surplices along with Santa caps, somedthing you do not see in Western churches. ..

Hinduism was the first major relihion to reach what is now Indoonsia. Islam began repacing Hinduism (late-13th century) and had become well established by the time the Portugues reached the South Pacific (16th century). As a result, it ould have been the Portuhuese who fiest introduced Christmas to the Indonesians. Dutch traders reached Indonesia at about the ame time. Conflicts developed especially with the inset of the Dutch-Portuguese Wars (17th century) and gradually became the dominat power. The Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (Dutch United East India Company, VOC) established itself as the dominant economic and political power on Java after the collapse of the Mataram empire. The Dutch Govrment began establishing a formal colonial rellationship after the Napoleonic War (19th century). The Dutch did not actively attempt to convert the Indonesians to Christianity. But ovrtime there were converts and today there are about 25 million Indonesian Christians. Indonesia is one of the world most populace contries with a bout 275 million poople meaning that Chriustians are about 10 percentof the population in this heavily Muslim country. The only other impartant relgion is Hindiuism, primarily praticed on Bali. Indonesia became indepndent (1949). The Dutch left an important imprint on Indonesia and that can be seen in many Christmas traditions. Christmas is commonly called Natal in Indonesia. Modern celevrations thanks to Hollywood hve a destginct flavor of AZnericazn commrrcialism. Christmas trees are populzar in Indonesi, but are mostly artificial. There are a real pine trees. We see them in shipping malls and in homes. A craft indusdtry og Chruistmas trees mde out of chicken feathers hs dvlope on Baii. Most Indonesian television channels broadcast Christmas themed musical concerts. They also briadcasgt Hollywood Chriusxtmas movie. The most popular are the Home Alone series. Santa Claus is a very popular holikday figure. He is called Sinterklass -- the Dutch nme. Sinterklass brings presents for to children on Christmas Day. He is also featured in shopping malls for th children. Cookies are a popular holiday treat. with some unique twists. Chiutmas is celebrated on December 25. Christmas musical concerts are popular featuring Indonesian translations of Western Christmas music. One of the facorites is 'Malam Kudus'--Silent Night. This is associated with snow and winter in the West. Interesting that it is popular in a tropical country. The Indonesian government hosts a large celebration (December 24). This is an impresive event, live performances featuring dancing, singing, and theatricals. It is a major affair and consucted at consiuderable expense and broadvcast on Indonesian state-run TV--TVRI. As far as know, his is the inky Muslim country irgabizing a Christmas celevratiion. ndonesian Christians attend a church service on Christmas Day. Roman Catholics usually attend a mass Christmas Eve. Christians services include reading Bible verses and singing hymns. Verses from Isaiah, Luke, and Matthew are most popular. Children are often featured reenacting the Nativity scene. .


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Created: 5:38 AM 12/14/2021
Last updated: 5:38 AM 12/14/2021