Christmas in America: Advent Calandar

Figure 1.--


I have never seen these cards offered here in America, but a reader tells us that she has seen them. I do not recall them as a child and I have not seen them in the greeting card section of the big mass-market chain stores. It does not surprise me that they exist in Ameriva, but I would be surprised if large numbers of American children receive them.

An American reader tells us, "I was surprised to read on your page that Advent Calenders are not used in the United States. They certainly were when I was growing up, and I have seen them in the stores this Christmas season. American Advent Calenders are frequently more complex than the ones described on your site. Instead of a card with pictures behind the door, the ones I see here in the US have a small box behind each door and in the box is a piece of candy or a small toy. There are some with themes, where each door reveals a small christmas tree ornament. I have also seen fabric calenders-- with pockets instead of doors, and each pocket is numbered and contains a plush toy or tree ornament. Sometimes the toys also have a number on them, so evrything can be put back at the end of the season and used again the next year. I see these calenders in one form or another nearly every year as I do my Christmas shopping." She adds, "Check in the Decorations section. I see them mainly at stores that focus on decor, like Hobby Lobby, or upscale places like Restoration Hardware, but I have seen them at Walmart before, just in the decorations area, not with the calendars or cards. These are not cards, they are too big. For example, here's one I found for sale online that is by the popular toy company Playmobile. They are also available on line."

Religion in America

A British reader writes, "I was surprised that you say they are unknown in the USA. The thought has since occurred to me that this may be connected with different religious attitudes towards Christmas (within Christianity) between Europe and America in general. Advent calendars despite the name are usually not very religious. Much of what goes on at Christmas is quite traditional (and Catholic) and not very protestant/non-conformist. Just an undeveloped thought." It is probably not accurate to suggest that there is a single American attitude toward religion. It is true that America is much more reigious than Europe. America is, however, deeply divided as to religion. Many Americans probably about half of the country have a much more European secular outlook.


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Created: 5:54 AM 12/16/2004
Last updated: 5:27 PM 12/18/2004