Christmas is primarily a family event, but the Christmas party was also of some importance. There were family parties as well as parties for adults and children. The office party is a long established tradition which used to involvd alcohol until companies began to get sued. For children the school Christmas party used to be a popular tradition. They were almost universal. I recall many fun Christmas parties in grade school. Now politicaly correctness has ended these event. In some case they have been rebranded as holiday parties to exclude the 'taint' of religion. Churches of course still organize Christmas parties. We also see institutions like orphnages holding Christmas parties. Orphanages were important institutions in the late-19th and early-20th century. Communities pulled together to make sure the children got something for Christmas. After World War II, fostering the children became a more common approch. And we see private groups like dance schools organizing them. While Christmas parties are not as common as they once were, there is an extensive photographic record of these parties from the 20th century.
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