Hobby, Rocking, and Stick Horses: Country Trends--the Netherlands

Figure 1.--A HBC reader has provided this family snap shot of him with his stick horse.

We believe that the Netherlands is one of the many European countries in which hobby horses were popular. Apparently stick horses were also popular with Dutch boys. A Dutch reader has provided us a family snap shot of himself playing with a stick horse in the late 1930s. He does not, however, remember much about his stickhorse--only the old snapshot to remind him of the stick horse. He does tell us that rocking horses and stick horses were very popular with Dutch boy. In both Dutch and German there is an expression, "That is his stick horse" which means "That is his favorite thing". That expression is a good indication of just how popular these were with Dutch boys. The Dutch word for hobbyhorse and rocking horse is hobbelpaard. The word for stick horse is stokpaard, but everybody says "stokpaardje" (diminutive). German nouns ALWAYS start with a capital letter, not in Dutch. That's like English in that respect.


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Created: July 1, 2003
Last updated: July 2, 2003