English Boys' Activities: Pets--Owners

Figure 1.--Hee we see English children in an unidentified village strugglihg with their pooches--eumperant great danes. Thy are presumably part of a Great Dane club. The snapshotis undated, but looks to uslike it was taken about 1960.

A wide tange of people kept pets from the very rich to the very poor. And those enjoying pets begin with the very yoong to the very old craving companionship. And the pets ranged from humble mutts to pestigious, costly purebreds. Social class affected one ablity to care or pets. But in fact it was not very expensive to keep pets at least until fairly recent times. This has changed in modern times especially with an astronomical increases in vet fees. This is in part becauses medical advances mean that much more is possible today than earlier--but it means that vets fees can mount into the yhousands of dollars. This adopting purebreeds tended to come from the better off segment or at least compfortable middle class. Some feel so strongly about their prestigious pooches that they form clubs and gettogthers to enjoy them. The childtrn involvd also form close attachments to specific breeds and want them as adults. There are all kinds of popular clubs in Britain for the ownes of induvidual breeds who can participatein shows and other activitis with their pooches.


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Created: 5:16 AM 11/16/2015
Last updated: 5:16 AM 11/16/2015