Child Musical Prodigies: Eugène-Maurice Dengrement: Clothing

Figure 1.-- The portrait of Brazilian violin prodigy Eugène-Maurice Dengrementwas taken by E. Bieber in Hamburg, Germany. It is undated, but was probably take in 1879 when Eugène-Maurice was 11-12 years old. He was on a European tour. He wears a jacket with a diagonal cut and knickers pants. We think that with his floppy bow he wears the medal presented to him by the Brazilian Emperor. He has long hair which rather unusually has been done up rather thn allowed to fall.

Eugène-Maurice in a portrait taken in Hamburg during his European tour wears a cut-away jacket with a diagonal cut and knickers. At the time knickers were more common in Wurope than America where knee pants were more prevalent. We think that with his floppy bow he wears the medal presented to him by the Brazilian Emperor. The suit looks fairly standard for European, perhaps French, boys at the time. We have not seen that diagonal cut in America. I see no particularly Brazilian stylistic elements. Just fairly standard European styles. We assume that in the 19th cebntury that Brazilian boys from affluent families would have drssed like European boys. Portugal would of course been the major influence, at least in Brazil. We see him wearing a more stadard cutaway jacket for a performance in Paris. This one was done in Paris, but seems to have the same white sailor collar that we see in Hamburg.


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Created: 5:04 AM 9/20/2007
Last updated: 7:18 PM 10/16/2015