English Beaches: Clothing

Figure 1.--Here we see an English beach scene in 1923. Notice that the children are not wearing swiomsuits. The boy looks to be wearing a tie with what looks like a collared sweater. While he is wearing a tie, he is still wearing more casual clothes than we noted before the War. Click on the image to see a 1907 scene.

We note a wide range of clothing worn to the beach, both swimsuits and more generalized play clothes. British boys have worn quite a few different types of swimsuits. The styles of swimsuits or bathing costimes have changed dramatically over time. Swimsuits in the 19th century were very modest. We note a far greatr range of swimsuits in the 20th century. English children did not always wear bathing suits to the beach. Here changing conventions about swimming as well as climate were factors. Many children even in the early 20th century might wear suits and other outfits, especiall sailor suits. Wide brimmed hats were commonly worn. English children commonly went to the beach without swimsuits. Children commonly enjoy playing in the sand more than actual swiming. Thus beachwear was often not swimsuits. Many times they only waded or played in the sand. Modern readers might think they were dressed very formally. We commonly see boys at the seaside wearing Norfolk suits and Eton collars in the early 20th century. Gradually we see boys wearing more casual clothes. Here we have two types of clothing. The first are actual swimsuits or bathing costumes and the second are outfits worn at beach resorts, but not actual swimsuits.


British boys have worn quite a few different types of swimsuits. The styles of swimsuits or bathing costimes have changed dramatically over time. Swimsuits in the 19th century were very modest. We note a far greatr range of swimsuits in the 20th century. An English reader writes, "I remember when I was a boy during the 1950s that I didn't have a propper bathing costume until I was about 8 or 9 years old. Until I had one I could only paddle in shallow water wearing my trunk style underpants, it wasn't until I got my first bathing trunks that I was able to go deeper in the water. Some boys including me would take off their socks and shoes and roll the legs of their short trousers up ready to go in for a short paddle. I don't know why we rolled our shorts legs up, as we only kept very much to shallow water?"


English children did not always wear bathing suits to the beach. In fact before World War II (1939-45), swimsuits were not all that common. Here changing conventions about swimming as well as climate were factors. Many children even in the early 20th century might wear suits and other outfits, especiall sailor suits. Social class was a major factor. Most children seem to have just worn their regular clothes. Boys from more prosperous familirs might have worn more specialized outfits like sailor suits. Wide brimmed hats were commonly worn. English children commonly went to the beach without swimsuits. Children commonly enjoy playing in the sand more than actual swiming. Thus beachwear was often not swimsuits. Many times they only waded or played in the sand. Modern readers might think they were dressed very formally. We commonly see boys at the seaside wearing Norfolk suits and Eton collars in the early 20th century. Gradually we see boys wearing more casual clothes. Here we have two types of clothing. The first are actual swimsuits or bathing costumes and the second are outfits worn at beach resorts, but not actual swimsuits.

Cold Weather Garments

The weather in Britain can be extremely variable. The weather is never as cold as coninental Europe because of the moderating impact of the Gulf Stream. And because of the northerly latitude, the summers are not as holt as on the continent to the south. There can be beautiful summer days in Britain, but even during the summer there can be down right chilly days on wshich beach goers may have to bundke up. And people may enjoy a bech walk during the fall and winter when the wearher can be cold. As an island, all Britains live within a short distance of the coast. Thus beach outings during the fall and winter are very easy to arrange for families wanting a little fresh air or a bracing walk. Thus we see images of children done up in their winter togs at the beach or othersjoreline areas.


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Created: 12:04 AM 7/20/2005
Last updated: 6:45 PM 9/18/2013