French 20th Century First Communion Suits: Early-20th Century--Decade Trends

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified French First Communion group in 1909. We suspect it was alss in a Catholic school. The boys all wear dark suits, but they vary quite a bit, inckluding knicker and long pantys. Notice the boaters and sleeve bows. Many of the boys have cropped hair which was common at the time.

We have not found a lot of French First Communion portraits from the early-20th century. There seem to be more than during the 19th century, but not nearly as many as after World War I in the 1920s. We are not sure if this reflects the relative extent to which children actually did First Communions. We do not yet have enough images to assess the popularity of the different outfits the children wore, but have begun to collect some vasic information. Some boys wore bosters with their suits. We notice mostly dark suits, worn with knee pants, knickers, and long pants. They were worn with both socks and long stockings. We note fancy white sleeve bows which were an optional item. We also do not have enough image to differeniate between the 1900s and 1910s, but are adding information to our archive and hope to eventually be able to do so.


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Created: 2:15 AM 6/7/2011
Last edited: 2:15 AM 6/7/2011