Advertisements: United Airlines 1968

Figure 1.--Here we see Cub Scouts featured in a United Airlines magazine ad during 1968.

We note a lot of ads featuring Scouting in the 1960s. The buying power of children and youth was increasing. This would be the last decade that we will see Scouting so prominently featured, in part because Scouting began to decline in popularity after the 60s. By the 70s we begin to see many more recreationl options for children as well as a range of other changes. The focus on children did not decline, only the use of Scouting. United Airlines had a magazine ad in 1968 featuring a pack of Cub Scouts taking a flight. They are all perfectly uniformed and of course well behved. I neve recall tking an airline flight as a Cub, but thr=t was the 1950s. This reflects the growing prosprity and declinning flight prices. United in the advertisement took a different turn, rather than having the Cubs comment on United Airlines, the Airlines comented on the Cubs. The ad reported that the Cubs were "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent". The Airline incouraged thenm to return after finishing school.


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Created: 5:59 AM 11/14/2004
Last updated: 8:07 PM 2/27/2015