*** United Kingdom advertisements showing boys' clothing

Country Advertising Industries: United Kingdom

advertising Britain
Figure 1.--Wall's began doing ive cream (1922). It is surely the best known ice cream compny in Britin. This is a metal sign shop keepers put outside. Until well ino the post-World War II era, mosr Brits lived in walking distance of small shops that sold groceries and other items. Supermarkets were slower to appear in Britain than America. After the War many were operated by Pakistanis. We wre not sure if two girls were pitured. We see imprtant fashion trends. A British reader tells us the sign probably dates to the 1970s/early-80s. At this time many boys had long hair, so we have a boy and a girl. Girls continued wearing drssse abd sjirts, but by this time we begin to see sgorts. Boys who mostly wore short pants were increasing wearing long pants, including jeans.

Advertising is strongly connected with capitalism. And it was the English and Dutch that invented capitalism (late-17th century). What might be called advertising existed before millennia long before capitalist, but it the rise of capitalism that that would create the advertising industry. Here we are primarily talking about the 20th county. Before the 20th century, advertising was to say the least amateurish. Of course technology played into this, especially advances in lithography. Being able to provide attractive image of products brought advertising into the big time. Britain is not the largest economy in Europe, it lost that position to Germany around the turn of he 20th century, but it is the but it continues to be the is the largest advertising market in Europe and one of the leading advertising markets worldwide. Thus there are a wealth of British advertisements both selling children's clothing or at least picturing it. Advertising agencies appeared (mid-19th century), but Britain lost out to its international dominance with the rise of the behemoth across the Atlantic. The advertising revolution began in Britain at much the same time as in the United States, its course has been less explosive. Ad British advertising was at first more restrained than in America, especially beginning in the Roaring Twenties. Even so Britain remains the second most important advertising marker worldwide. Given our American location, we do not yet have many examples of British advertising, but hope to expand this section because we have quite a number of British readers.


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Created: 1:49 AM 6/1/2022
Last updated: 1:50 AM 6/1/2022