Unknown English Illustrator: Clothing Details

Figure 1.--This was the cover to an English book, "Our Boys' Best of All". The illustrator was not identified and we do not know when the book was published, but the 1930s is likely.

This was the cover to an English book, "Our Boys' Best of All". The illustrator was not identified and we do not know when the book was published, but the 1930s is likely.

The Book

This was the cover to an English book, "Our Boys' Best of All". The author and illustrator illustrator were not identified. We also do not know when the book was published, but the 1930s is likely.

The Scene

The illustrator here provides a charming, if romanticized depiction, of three boys fishing from a boat on an idyllic English day. Whilst I doubt such a calm looking sea (judging from the distant cliffs) and the apparent ease of the fish caught, the picture depicts a bygone era of boys wearing a combination of school and casual wear.


This looks to be set in June as the wether is fine. As the boys are till wearing some school gear, it looks like school may still be in session.


Perhaps it's after school and the boys have discarded some of their schoolwear for something more casual. No doubt it's British because of the one boy's school cap (and surely not wearing the school's blazer) and the other boy standing with the caught fish is still wearing his knee high school socks and running shoes. His grey shorts is perhaps the clue to the date of the picture. The HBC reader ho provided the image suggests the 1940s or before. HBC thinks it has the look of the 1930s.

The older looking boy with the oars at the back (is he in charge?) is wearing a white African safari type hat, a long sleeved casual shirt (surely not a school shirt judging by the collar) and is the only one wearing long trousers.

Despite what seems to be a warm day, the victorious boy who is showing off to his friend his caught fish, is wearing a bulky red sweater with a matching red collar, it does complement his red (the English would say "ginger") hair. His outfitis notabl for the length of his shorts. Interestingly, they would be in fashion in the early 2000s.

The boy in the foreground seems to be lacking in dress sense with his green blazer and blue cap. Obviously wearing the most of school uniform, except for the removed school tie and the unbuttoned shirt to display the relaxed casual atmosphere. All the focus is on the red haired boy as they gaze upon him in admiration for his fish he caught. This noy also wears very long shorts.

Somehow though, their clothes would really be more ruffled I think to catch a fish that size and the water would not look so serene for the ripples and waves such a fish would have caused to be caught.

The Illustrtion

The artist made nice use of primary colours for the book's title (red), the yellow background and blue water. Despite some incongruous moments, it's a charming picture. There seems to be a close bond between the two boys catching fish and the older boy in the background looks on with want of affection to the red haired boy who only shares his proud moment to his sitting friend.

Andre Marais

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 15, 2002
Last updated: April 15, 2002