Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions: William Bromley (English, 18??-??)

Figure 1.--The angry red haired boy towering over his foe (who presumably was cheating at their game of marbles) seems to finer dressed and from a higher class. Whilst the boy in the middle wearing a smock is trying to diffuse the situation, a little girl or boy (no doubt a younger sibling) hurries off look for mother. HBC is not sure how to date this painting, but would guess about 1850.

William Bromely was actived during 1835-88. Bromley exhibited extensively in London at the Royal Society of British Artists, the British Institute and the Royal Academy. Even so, little is known about Bromley, except that he was the grandson of the the engraver William Bromley. He is best know for his hostorical and literary paintings. He also painted some wonderful vignittes of English life in the mid-19th century. He began painting just as photography was establishing itself. Even so the technology involved was still limited to static scenes ant fascinating images like "Ready to Fight".


Little is known about Bromley, except that he was the grandson of the the engraver William Bromley (1769-1842).



William Bromely was actived during 1835-88. Bromley exhibited extensively in London at the Royal Society of British Artists, the British Institute and the Royal Academy. He is best know for his hostorical and literary paintings. He also painted some wonderful vignittes of English life in the mid-19th century. He began painting just as photography was establishing itself. Even so the technology involved was still limited to static scenes ant fascinating images like "Ready to Fight".


Bromley's "Ready to Fight" (18??) reflects boyswear in mid-19th century England. It is interresting to note the very different styles of dress of each of the boys are wearing. The angry red haired boy towering over his foe (who presumably was cheating at their gameof marbles) seems to finer dressed and from a higher class. Whilst the boy in the middle wearing a smock is trying to diffuse the situation, a little girl or boy (no doubt a younger sibling) hurries off look for mother. An endearing and romantic view of a bygone era. Notice that even for casual wear that all three boys have colorful neckwear. Also notice that one boy wears a smock. The angry red haired boy towering over his foe (who presumably was cheating at their game of marbles) seems to finer dressed and from a higher class. HBC is not sure how to date this painting, but would guess about 1850.


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Created: January 16, 2002
Last updated: January 16, 2002