* Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Spanish art unidentified Spanish boy

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida: Unidentified Spanish Boy (Spain, 1910s)

Figure 1.-- We note another portrait by Spanish impressionist artist Joaquin Sorolla, this one as far removed from sunlight as possible. It is the face of an unidentified Spanish boy. The biy looks to be abour 8-9 years old. It is a beutifully executed portrait suggesting ba great deal about the boy's character. He wears a dark suit with a wide, detachabke collar, erather like an Eton collar, only it is rounded. With the collar he has a white floppy bow. We suspect it was painted in the 1900s. We cant tell anything about his suit other than it was black or dark grey. Again we can find no information on the portrait. We find many pages on the internet with Soirolla's paintings, but often very few descriptions of the paintings. .

We note another portrait by Spanish impressionist artist Joaquin Sorolla, this one as far removed from sunlight as possible. It is the face of an unidentified Spanish boy. The biy looks to be abour 8-9 years old. It is a beutifully executed portrait suggesting ba great deal about the boy's character. He wears a dark suit with a wide, detachabke collar, erather like an Eton collar, only it is rounded. With the collar he has a white floppy bow. We suspect it was painted in the 1900s. We cant tell anything about his suit other than it was black or dark grey. Again we can find no information on the portrait. We find many pages on the internet with Soirolla's paintings, but often very few descriptions of the paintings.


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Created: 1:50 PM 4/26/2020
Last updated: 1:50 PM 4/26/2020