* artists illustrating boys fashions: nationalities -- Canada

Canadian Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions

Figure 1.-- We note one modern artist that has produced several canvases illustrating children playing hockey. William Roy 'Bill' Brownridge specializes in hockey paintuings and has authired four Canadian classic children’s hockey books. Many of his paintingd focus on children’s enjoyment of playing the sport. This one is 'Cmon let's play.'

We know very little about Canadian art at this time. There seem to be very few notable Canadian artists, especially in the 19th century. We have found very few Canadian images of children. We know of very few Canadian artists producing many works depicting children and children's fashions. We notice more artists active in the 20gth century, but we have not yet found works illustrating historical boy's fashions. We note one modern artist that has produced several canvases illustrating children playing hockey. William Roy 'Bill' Brownridge specializes in hockey paintuings and has authired four Canadian classic children’s hockey books. Many of his paintingd focus on children’s enjoyment of playing the sport. The country's small population may be a factor here. Hopefully our Canadian readers familiar with art will provide us some insights.


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Created: 11:16 AM 12/14/2020
Last updated: 11:16 AM 12/14/2020