Unknown American Artist: Studio Water Color (1859)

Figure 1.--Here we have what looks like a watercolor of two unidentified children. The boy wears a brown suit and the younger child a red dress. We beolieve that this was an accurate depiction of the colors of the suit and dress. Brown was and continues to be a popular color for a boy's suit.

Here we have what looks like a watercolor of two unidentified children. The boy wears a brown suit and the younger child a red dress. We believe that this was an accurate depiction of the colors of the suit and dress. Brown was and continues to be a popular color for a boy's suit. He has a small white collar, partially covered by a matching brown bow. The suit has a military style collar-buttoning jacket and long pants. We do not know if the younger child is a boy bor girl, but as there seens to be aide part in the hair ut is probably a boy. The child wears a low-cut red dress with shoulder bows. The child also has white long stockings. Besides the useful color information, the interesrting aspect of this naive portrait is that it is done to resesemble a photographic portrait, not a traditional painting. He has gone to great detail to reproduce the colors. Note the hahdling of the tapestry covering the table. The artist has included an image of himself on the back, but unfortunately not his name. We suspect that he worked in a photographic studio. We do not know, however, if it was painted un person or from a Dag or Ambro. The poertait is dated to 1859. We do not know where the studio was.


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Created: 2:38 AM 10/11/2010
Last updated: 10:44 AM 10/11/2010