Ralph Benton was born in Germany on August 2, 1884. All we know is that he was born in Munich. We are not sure, however, that he was a German boy. Benton does not seem like a very German name. I'm not sure, but it seems more English. It is possible that he was the son of an American family living in Germany. Well to do Americans did travel to Germany and many studied there because of the prestige of German universities at the time. But he may have well been the member of a German immigrant family. Based on the way he is outfitted, the family seems to have been a rather affluent one. And some German immigrants had their names Americanized. We see Ralph in September 1896 having just turned 12 years old. Hos portrait was taken at Clinedinst, 1207 F Street, NW., Washington, D.C. This was the major shopping street in Washington. Ralph wears a traditional knee pants sailor suit with long stockings. His hair in done in ringlet curls. This was rather unusual both for German boys and 12 year old American boys. It means the family must have been affluent enough to have Ralph tutored at home.
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