*** Jeffrey Bowes

Jeffrey Bowes (United States, about 1930)

short pants knee socks
Figure 1.-- Here we see Jeffrey Bowes with his best friend Caesar. Other than the names, there is no other information. They are sitting on a lind of wheeled passanger waggon. We don't see any steering device or propulsion mechanism. We see a rope on the right wheel which a reader points out may be a steering mechanuism, but we don't see a rope on the left wheel. Jeffrey looks to be wearing a dark shirt and sweater, short pants, knee socks, and what looks like sneakers. The snapshot is not dated. We would guess that it was taken about 1930, although we are not entirely sure about our dating. The one iten we are not sure about is the sneakers. And do we see '22' and some letters which may mean the state on the license plate?

Here we see Jeffrey Bowes with his best friend Caesar. Other than the names, there is no other information. They are sitting on a lind of wheeled passanger waggon. We don't see any steering device or propulsion mechanism. Jeffrey looks to be wearing a dark shirt and sweater, short pants, knee socks, and what looks like sneakers. The snapshot is not dated. We would guess that it was taken about 1930, although we are not entitely sure about our dating. The one iten we are not sure about is the sneakers. They look more modern than about 1930, but perhaps some existed in that time range. We didn't think it was very common for American boys to wear a heavy sweater with short pants and knee socks much after the early-30s, And the sweater style looks like an early style. Jeffrey looks to be about 10 years old. There are clues as to where in America Jeffrey lived. And do we see '22' which may mean the state on the license plate?


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Created: 4:38 PM 2/17/2021
Last edited: 7:37 PM 2/15/2024