Unidentified Twins (United States, early 1850s)

Figure 1.-- Here we have a womderful Daguerrotype of twin Brothers, they look very similar, although they might be fraternal. Their cheeks, blouses, and buttons are Wonderfully tinted. Unfortunately neither the photographer or sitters are indentified. All that we know is that thet are almost certainly American.

Here we have a womderful Daguerrotype of twin Brothers, they look very similar, although they might be fraternal. Their cheeks, blouses, and buttons are Wonderfully tinted. Unfortunately neither the photographer or sitters are indentified. All that we know is that thet are almost certainly American. The dag is also not dated. All we have isjust the wondeful image. This could be a late 1840s portrait, but we think the early 50s is more likely. The Ambrotype rapidly replaced dags after 1856 so the late 1850s is less likely, but certainly possible. I think the shor jacket sleeves and full blouse baloon sleves also suggests the early 50s. We do not see boys dressed like this by the early 60s. Also note the stripped pants. We are less sure out to date these, but believe the early 50s would be more likely than the late 50s.


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Created: 4:25 AM 7/31/2006
Last updated: 4:25 AM 7/31/2006