Charles Hall: Cap

Figure 1.--Charles R. Hall was photographed in Lewiston, Maine, probably in the early 1889s. He wears long, perfectly done ringlet curls and a kiltsuit with sailior styling. Here is an enlargement of his cap. Image courtesy of the RG Collection.

One of the interesting elements in this portrait is the cap the boy holds. Clearly his mothher wanted it in the portrait, Headgear was much more widely worn an important to the outfits worn by both children and adults than is the case today. While mother wanted his cap in the portrait, she definitely did not want him to wear it as it would have hidden his curls, which she had no doubt labored to create in such a perfect state. I am not sure what this cap was called. We do, however, note the large pom. It looks like a warm hat, surely made out of wool. Presumably the sides could be lowered to cover the ears in the cold Maine winters.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 19, 2002
Last updated: April 19, 2002