Prdinary People: The Harper Boys

Figure 1.--These boys are not at all sure that they want their portrait taken. This undated image shows three American boys posing barefoot for their portait. The boys have been dressedup somewhat for their portrait, the youngest boy wears a tunic suit with lace trim. We get the impression, however, that this was not a very affluent family. Note how worn the kneepants are of the boy in the left. Image courtesy of the MD collection.

These boys are not at all sure that they want their portrait taken. This undated image shows three American boys (David, Ross & Gordon Harper) poseing barefoot for their portait. They look to be about 3-7 years of age. We do not know where in America this portrait was takem , but they are definitekly American boys. They boys have been dressedup somewhat for their portrait, the youngest boy wears a tunic suit with lace trim. These tunic suits were one of the ost popular styles for younger boys in the early 20th ventury. Notice that the belt on the tunic has no real function. Some were plain, others could be quite fancy. His older brothers wear identical stripped blouses with large Peter Pan collars. Notice that they are long sleeves. Dress shirts and blouses in short sleeves had not yet appeared. Ar the time adults would wear jackets or coats, but during the summer boys could even dresscup in just a fancy blouse, giving rise to the expression "boys in shirt sleeves". The boys do not wear bows with their blouses, but their collars are securely buttoned. We get the impression, however, that this was not a very affluent family. Note how worn the kneepants are of the boy in the left. Perhaps mother has given up on keeping their pants clean, but has saved a blouse for special occasssions. Notice the older brother has his hair combed differently. I think the center part was a style for an older boy at the time. We think that modern readers looking at this portrait might think that the boys wre not carefully done up by mother for the portrait. This would not be correct. Look closely at their hair. Notice howcarefully mother has combed each boy's hair.


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Created: August 27, 2002
Last updated: 6:26 PM 11/14/2007