** historical clothing: Leo Herbert

Leo Herbert (America, about 1910)

Figure 1.--This American boy is Leo Herbert. The photograph is undated, but we estimate about 1910. It was taken in Trinton, Mossurri. The image is unusual in that most images of boys wearing hairbows show them in fancy outfits like Little Lord Fauntleroy suits. This is on of the fe images we hav seen of a boy wearing riglets and curls with overalls. Image courtesy of the RG collection.

We know very little about Leo Herbert, except the one phothograph we have of him. It is undated, but we estimate that it was taken about 1910-15. We know it was taken in Trinton, Mossurri. The photograph suggests that his mother had him study the piano. The most interesting aspect of the portrait is the juktaposition of the rightlet curls and hair bow with the informal overalls. The images rather leads one to speculate about how Leo was dressed when not wearing his overalls. We assume that the overalls were used as play clothes around the home. We wonder if they might be worn instead of a smock. It rather leads one to wonder about the mother's fashion sence. One factor is that overalls for a child was a new fashon. Thus it may be that the mother her had not quite worked out the proper conventions for the overalls. Or perhaps coming from a farming community, overalls were acceptable. I'm not sure just where Trinton, Mossurri, but it certainly was not a large city. Note that added to the ringlets was a rather large white hair bow. Most images that we have seen of boys with harbows had smaller bows. He also has a plaid collar bow.

The Boy

We know very little about Leo Herbert, except the one phothograph we have of him. We do have his name so we know that he is definitely a boy. The piano and nice parlor show that he came from a family in comfortable circumstances, although probably not rich. The photograph suggests that his mother had him study the piano. We do not know what Leo thought about the piano or indeed his hair styles and clothes. He looks to be about 6 years old, ready to begin school. We do not know if Leo had any brother or sistes. Given the mount of time mother spent with his hair, we suspect that he was an only child.


One interesting aspect of some of these old photographs is to see how the houses were frnished. Here we get a small view of a prpsperous Mid-Western parlor insmall-town America. Here we see only a corner, but note the fancy covering on the top of the piano, the cvurtains, anf the rug. One reader writes, "Although I have no comments on the clothing, the piano stool to the left of this boy is identical to the one we have here at my parents house!"


Leo's photograph is undated. It is undated, but we estimate that it was taken about 1910-15. If he uis wearing Levi Straus Koveralls, the photograph would have had to be taken in 1912 or later.


We know it was taken in Trinton, Missouri.


The most interesting aspect of the portrait is the juktaposition of the rightlet curls and hair bow with the informal overalls. The images rather leads one to speculate about how Leo was dressed when not wearing his overalls. We assume that the overalls were used as play clothes around the home. We wonder if they might be worn instead of a smock. It rather leads one to wonder about the mother's fashion sence. One factor is that overalls for a child was a new fashon. Thus it may be that the mother her had not quite worked out the proper conventions for the overlls. Or perhaps coming from a farming community, overalls were acceptable. I'm not sure just where Trinton, Missouri, but it certainly was not a large city. Thevpino suggests that the family lived in comfortable circumstbncers. Leo wears a rather plain white shirt and high collar with a plaid collar bow. We wonder if perhaps Leo mother may have scrimped a bit on clothes. The hair style unlike clothes cost very little if mother was willing to invest her time and effort.

Hair Style

Leo has a very fancy runglet curl hair style. While is ringlets are worn mostly avove his shoulder, they are very carefully done. No doubt his mother must have considered this a virtaul piece of art. She must have really suffered when thise curls were cut. The image is a little dark and Leo may have moved a bit so it is a little difficult making out the details of his hair style. Note that added to the ringlets was a rather large white hair bow. Most images that we have seen of boys with harbows had smaller bows.


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Created: September 30, 2002
Last updated: 6:49 PM 1/6/2022