The boy in this cabinet card portrait is identified on the back as Roy LaFolette. He looks to be about 5 years old. He wears what looks like a collar-buttoning jacket kilt suit. It is a checked suit. The collar buttoning jacket bmay have a bsck flap. The skirt-kilt has not kilt styling, but is pleated. He has a large pointed shite collar that has some cut-out lace work and a small bow. The outfit has matching pantalettes that are cut with pedal-like detailing. We are not sure cwht the sewing term for this detail is. The portrait is undated. We might guess the 1880s, but goung bsrefoot for portaits was not common in the 80s, so it may hasve been taken in the 90s. The material seems like some kind of light weight fabric used for shirts. This suggests the summer when going barefoot was common. The studio was L.A. Phelps of Paducah Kentucky. Going barefoot wa more common in the South than the North. The dog looks like a type of Sharpei mix with a pug.
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