The Pelot family were French Protestant missionaries in Gabon. They had two boys, Henri and André. We first see the Pelot family when the boys were very young, about 1907. Here we see children in Ngomo, Moyen-Ogooué. Gabon during the French colonial period, 1910. We see Henri and André Pelot, the children of a French Protestant missionary, with two local mates. They look to be about 4-6 years old and good friends. We know nothing about the two Gabonese children. The two French brothers are wearing striped smocks and hats. The smocks would have been common in France at the time, but seems like they would have been rather uncomfortably hot in tropical Gabon. We are not sure how common the hats were, but given the tropical sun we suspect that some kind of headwear was common. The boys are barefoot as it was common among missionary kids. Their mates are wearing cloths that surely were wrapped around their waists only to take the photo. We do not note Gabonese children commonly dressing like that at the time.
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