We are not sure what to nmake of this cabinet card. We believe it is an adverising card given out to customers and not annordinary family portarit. It is "The Banker's Child" Co. which apprently was some kind of commercial enterprise, apparently in Cincinnati, Ohio. Also printed on the card was '1906-7' suggesting it was passed out over a 2 year period. Flossie and Pauline are girl's given names. Th children, however, are dressed like a boy and girl. Flossie wears a hair bow abd white dress. Pauline
wears a whire saucer typoe sailor cap with a dark saolor suit, ethink a velvet suit. St the time, younger boys might be dressed like their sisters, but girls of any age were never dressed like boys. Pauline mnay have ringlet curls (worn byboys at the time), but she is dressed like a boy. She is wearing wearing pants--knickers. The image is a little unusual. Pauline is wearing shortened pants showing her knees, but without long stockings. This was seen in Europe, but rarely in America at the time. American women and girls even wore long stockings at the beach.
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