Here we have what looks like a European post-card back portrait. The portrait shows a mother reading to her two young sons. The boys look to be about 2-5 years old. The back has a faint hand stamped purple ink photographer's logo. It is difficult to read, but it is in Polish. The boys' sailor suits are fairly standard, but the way the scarfe is tied suggests that they are European as suggested by the stamp. We believe that that the portrait was taken in the 1910s, but of course that could have been during World War I. We are not sure studios would have used Polish language stamps during the Tsarist era. So it could have been taken in the late-10s or early-20s. The Germans occupied Warsaw (1915) and the Polish Republic was established at the end of World War I (1918). Thus Russian restictions on the use of Plish ended in the mid-1910s. The curious thing is that at the bottom of the card is written in English "Mrs. Petre & Boys". Thus while the portrait seems to have been taken in Poland, the boys may have been English. Petre is an English name, but we think not exclusively English. The was also used on the continent. The English language enscription, however, suggests that they were English. Thus while the portrait appears to have been taken in Poland and the boys wear European sailor suits, we are not sure about their nationality.
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