Figure 1.--We notice two CDV portatits of Edson Shellcross. He was from southeastern Pennsylvania. The first portrait was of Edson at age 13 in 1869. The portait shows the longer hair styles still worn by men and boys in the 1860s. Unfortunately we don't see much of his outfit. It is notable because he is wearing what seems to be a jacket with very small papels. The second shows Edson several years later. Put your cursor on the image to see the second CDV.

Edson Shellcross (United States, 1856- )

We notice two CDV portatits of Edson Shellcross. He was from southeastern Pennsylvania. The first portrait was of Edson at age 13 in 1869. The portait shows the longer hair styles still worn by men and boys in the 1860s. Unfortunately we don't see much of his outfit. It is notable because he is wearing what seems to be a jacket with very small papels. The second shows Edson several years later. This portrait is not dated, but we would cuess was taken in the late 1870s. He is shown with two children, oresumably girls but they are not identified. We assume they are his younger sisters. The girls wear matching dresses. They are too old to be daughters and the posr is probanly too intimste to be cousins. The first portrait was taken by John Schofield in Frankford, Pennsylvania. The secoind portrait was taken at by J. B. Gibson in nearby Coatesville, Pennsyvania.


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Created: 6:30 PM 11/2/2008
Last edited: 6:30 PM 11/2/2008